Grain sorghum

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grain sorghum

Isterra's grain sorghum HYBRID

The growing area of grain sorghum has increased in recent years in Hungary. The advantage of sorghum is that it can be grown successfully even in areas with unfavourable conditions. Newly bred hybrids are not only gluten-free and GMO-free, but also tannin-free. Isterra Közép-Eurtópa Kft. is launching its first grain sorghum variety. Find out more about the benefits of our hybrid!


  1. Outstanding consistency: our grain sorghum hybrid can be safely grown everywhere in Hungary. Initial development is fast. The hybrid is not susceptible to fungal diseases and therefore does not require fungicide treatments. It produces good quality, completely tannin-free grains.
  2. Excellent adaptability: grain sorghum can be grown successfully even on poor soils. The only soil types it cannot tolerate are acid and very saline, sandy soils. Proper nutrition increases its yield, so it is worth providing the stands with adequate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For more information, see Technologies. Intercropping is a viable option in the case of grain sorghum and creates favourable soil conditions.
  3. Multi-purpose hybrid: Isterra’s sorghum hybrid is GMO-free, tannin-free and has a high protein content, making it an excellent feed. It is mainly used as alternative to maize and soya or as a supplementary ingredient in the feed of pigs, cattle and poultry. In small quantities it may also be used as bird feed and to produce biogas. Because sorghum grain it is gluten-free, the flour made of it has appeared in supermarkets lately. The growing popularity of sorghum flour may also give rise to an increase in the growing area of the plant in Hungary.
  4. Excellent lodging resistance: our robust, medium-height hybrid is not prone to lodging. Choose our hybrid with excellent lodging resistance!
  5. Outstanding drought tolerance: Isterra’s grain sorghum hybrid is a medium late variety with its ideal sowing date in April and early May. It tolerates summer heat as well as drought in July and August. It will be the excellent choice for farmers who wish to make the best out of fields with sub-optimum growing conditions.

Are you interested in growing grain sorghum? The favourable characteristics of Isterra’s new hybrid will surely give you an advantage! Contact us!

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